Carbon Monoxide Lawyer in Tucson, Arizona
Carbon Monoxide Injuries
Carbon Monoxide poisoning is the most common cause of poison fatalities. Prolonged, low levels of carbon monoxide can leave victims with serious damages. Most of the time these leaks are completely environmental and go unnoticed until injury occurs. The most frequent situations of carbon monoxide poisoning include:
- Camping or grill propane heaters
- Exposure at your apartment, gym, hotel, rental, pool & spa, or workplace
- Gas powered water heaters
- Truck or motor vehicles
The effects of falling item injuries are not only physical, but may be psychological as well. In many cases, victims experience great emotional tolls after carbon monoxide poisoning damages their quality of life. Regardless of the lasting impact, you deserve to hold the negligent party accountable for their actions.
Your Tucson, Arizona Carbon Monoxide Attorneys
If you or someone you love has been impacted by carbon monoxide, you are going to need an experienced Tucson workplace injury attorney fighting for your rights. Should your injuries have left you unable to work, or provide for yourself and your family, you will need help recovering the compensation to meet your lifetime needs. Building a strong case requires that all aspects of your accident are thoroughly reviewed including liability, extent of your injuries, as well as the economic and non-economic damages you may be eligible to receive. Our attorneys will fight hard to negotiate a settlement that is in your best interests, or take your case to court to help you get the substantial verdict merited by your injuries.