Medical Malpractice: Administering Medication Contrary to Package Insert
March 2016
Our clients were the family of a man that died following an adverse reaction to an intravenous iron medication. The case centered on whether the medication's black box warning was followed in providing the iron supplement to the patient. The case resolved for a confidential amount.
Practice area(s): Medical Malpractice
James D. Campbell
Jim Campbell is an experienced medical malpractice trial lawyer. Jim learned the craft of medical malpractice litigation law representing physicians and hospitals throughout the State of Arizona. He successfully tried many lawsuits on behalf of physicians and hospitals, even when the odds were overwhelmingly against his client. Now, Jim uses his skill and experience representing patients. His defense experience gives him an advantage in anticipating the tactics that physicians and their lawyers will use. He is able to proactively engineer his client's case to successfully meet those strategies.