Halloween is so much fun for all of us and not just the kids. But, there is an array of things that could happen that could cause an injury or harm to our children. Here are some Safety Tips for you for this Halloween to keep you and your children safe and also help guard you from any possible lawsuits.
•1. Decorating your home is great fun but be aware that it also can be dangerous if someone falls and hurts themselves on your property, so avoid the decorations that a child could trip on that are on the sidewalk, driveway or hard-to-see areas on your lawn.
•2. Get on the internet and check your local state website for sex offenders. Look up your zip code for a list of registered offenders in your area that includes street addresses. Have your children avoid these areas.
•3. Make sure your child's costume is safe. Swords, knives or pitch forks should be soft, smooth and flexible enough to not cause injury if fallen on. Make sure that the costumes won't get in the way when they are walking which could cause them to trip.
•4. Tell your children not to walk near lit candles or luminaries and be sure the costume is fire proof or treated with fire retardant. If they are wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are large so that they can easily see out and have good peripheral vision.
•5. Have your children eat before they go out so they are not tempted to eat the candy before they get home and you can check over it for safety.
•6. Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see your child.
•7. Be sure to show your children how to cross a street properly. They should always look both ways before crossing.
In case of emergency cakk 911 or non-emergency contact the Pima County Sheriff Department atwww.pimasheriff.org or (520) 351-4900.
Make Halloween a safe, fun and happy time for everyone this year by following these Safety Tips!
Halloween is a celebrated tradition and we at Kinerk, Schmidt & Sethi PLLC hope that everyone has a great time and stays safe, but in the event that you or a loved one is seriously injured in the course of this Halloween holiday please give us a call to see if we can help represent you.

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