For teenagers all throughout the state of Arizona, sports are a way of life. Many teens are involved in football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, baseball, or another sport at their school, Yet West Valley reports that participating in these sports can very dangerous. Teenagers are at a greater risk to a concussion when they are participating in these school competitions. A state law now requires that all teens that have a concussion have to get medical clearance to return to their sport. This can take over a month in some circumstances.
Statistics show that about 7,000 teens in Arizona suffer concussions in a high school sport every single year. Football presents the biggest danger, but any high school sport can present the threat of a brain injury. A 2011 state law requires that high school athletes in Arizona be removed from play if they suffer a concussion. This is so that coaches don't put players back into the game with a brain injury, aggravating the condition.
The new laws in Arizona also require that coaches, students, and parents take concussion-education programs and every high school athlete must complete a Barrow Brainbook interactive training course on the subject. The state of Arizona wants to work hard to reduce the amount of concussions in the state, as they can lead to debilitating medical conditions if not carefully related.
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