The American College of Trial Lawyers [ACTL] screens and vets trial lawyers in each state and province inviting only the best to fellowship in the organization (top 1% trial lawyers in North America). It then asks these champions to find ways to improve and preserve the civil and criminal justice system and preserve and promote the right to trial by jury. Kinerk Schmidt & Sethi is proud that Ted Schmidt has been an invited Fellow of ACTL since 1996.
Such is the case with the American College's Palau Advanced Trial Advocacy Symposium. Palau is an island nation southwest of Guam where the controversial “Battle of Peleliu” was fought during World War II. It only as recently as 1994 achieved true independence and only as recently as 2009 has it initiated jury trials.
The judges and lawyers asked for help, advice, direction in establishing this fledgling system of justice. The ACTL answered the call. Twelve of its finest were selected to conduct an intense three day Advanced Trial Advocacy Symposium on Koror, Palau. Some 90+ lawyers and judges from throughout the island and as far away as Guam are signed up so far and the program doesn't begin for another 12 days . Our own Ted Schmidt was selected not only to join this elite faculty but developed the actual case file that will be used throughout the three days as a basis for demonstrations of a variety of trial advocacy skills.
The importance of this contribution to the spread of fair, equitable and sound systems of justice throughout the world was recently heralded by The American Lawyer.!/article/1755611083
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